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Our Rivals have unleashed something down there, something specifically designed to lure you in, hunt you down, and terminate you with extreme prejudice. ScanCom has been picking up new readings in the caves, and disturbing rumours have started trickling in from the surface. Some will likely see this as a welcome distraction from the usual teeth and claws of the Glyphids, but Management still doesn’t recommend underestimating these cybertronic abominations.

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Hordes of Rival robots are clustering in the caves, seemingly just waiting to spring on anything carrying the DRG insignia. Rivals are setting up new communications equipment, which must be shut down! In the all-new RIVAL SIGNAL Season Event, you must interrupt the operation of the Rival Communications Router, hack its Antenna Nodes and shut it down before the timer runs out and the entire thing discharges a lethal energy blast! Timing and precision will be of the essence if you want to obtain the Data Cell stored inside the Router! NEW WARNING: RIVAL PRESENCE Deep Rock Galactic Patch 1.12 notes (Season 02)ĭeep Rock Galactic Patch 1.12 notes (Season 02) SEASON EVENT: RIVAL SIGNAL.

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